Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 8, 2011 journal club

When and where: Room W2303, 12:15, Tuesday March 8

Phylis from the Matunis lab will be presenting:

The mammalian Doublesex homolog DMRT1 is a transcriptional gatekeeper that controls the mitosis versus meiosis decision in male germ cells.
Dev Cell 19:612-624
Matson et al. [David Zarkower lab website]

Phylis admits that, "this publication is not related to my field of research. But I find it interesting because it sheds more light on the process that allows mammalian male germ cells to escape meiosis during development."
Agreed! This is a great topic, as the decision of when to stop doing mitosis and start doing meiosis is a fundamental difference between male and female germ cells -- and one of the earliest events of sexual dimorphism!
(And is it just me, or is the term "gatekeeper" being used a lot more to in descriptions of biological processes? Must be a Ghostbusters renaissance.)

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